Wednesday, November 20, 2019

South African Breweries Learnership 2019

About South African breweries
South African Breweries Limited is an international cafe in Johannesburg, South Africa. The company was founded in 1895 as a castle brewery that provided services and a growing market
for miners and prospectors in and around Johannesburg. South African breweries on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) and London Stock Exchange (LSE). South African breweries, which grow up as a major brewing company, have a list of products including:
Black carling sign
Castle Lager
Castle for free
Castle Lite
Castle Milk Stout
Flying fish
Flying Fish Chill Lite
Hansa Pilsenerová
Hansa Golden Crisp
Brutal fruit
From Redd
New Lands Brew
New Lands Spring
Check other opportunity: ABSA Careers learnerships
South African brewery skills development programs
The success of South African breweries is not just about the high-quality ingredients they place on their global brands; South African breweries seek intelligence, new ideas, human chemistry, integrity, self-sufficiency and a great business manager and combine these qualities with passion and care to create the best caliber of craftsmen and business leaders for the beloved beverage company (ABI). for students who work hard and want to achieve their professional goals in the future. South African breweries’ skill development programs are one of the ways in which the company contributes to the development of talented people in South Africa. The programs are offered every year and are open to all young South African students. The skills development programs offered by South African breweries include the following.
A postgraduate program, which is a structured program from 18 to 24 months, designed to address the acquisition of technical skills and experience for graduates, as well as to familiarize students with the philosophy of South African breweries. This program includes opportunities in information technology, engineering, marketing and the supply chain.
Scholarships are awarded and talented and deserve South African students. Application technology Application of market application in the world of work by participating in solving real business challenges through the Summer School of structured holiday work. At the end of their studies, they join the full-time society as postgraduate apprentices.
The CA training program, which is a three-year rotation plan for magicians wishing to delve into financial experience, with a range of disciplines that include the central office’s sales, distribution, manufacturing and financial functions. This program not only helps to develop business interests, but also teaches invaluable life and professional skills in the commercial world. Students are entitled to perform the functions of managerial accounting, financial accounting, taxes, treasury and internal audit, credit and group financing in business.
Learning / Training in Service / Internships, which are structured training programs with short-term contractual agreements that support job creation and talent development.
South African breweries  (SAB) are committed to contributing to the South African Skills Development Learnerships Program by focusing on internal and external talent development initiatives. An external commitment to the development of skills of unemployed students is demonstrated both through the South African Brewery Scheme and through the provision of additional degrees / education / vacation programs.

South African beer brewing
The Technical and Sectorial Training Authority (SETA) defines students as a structured curriculum that includes theoretical and practical experimental learning in the workplace for at least 12 months and that leads to a professional qualification registered in the National Framework of Qualifications (NQF). . Brewing studies in South Africa Students benefit from acquiring critical functional and behavioral skills that contribute significantly to the commercialization of the student’s labor market. The company has unemployment opportunities for students in most business sectors and works with a variety of SETA, particularly FoodBev SETA, to ensure alignment with the skill development strategy in the food and beverage sector. South African breweries are committed to the development of a diverse and talented workforce where the right people are placed in the roles that best fit their capabilities and give them the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Brewing studies in South Africa are open for enrollment every year, which gives young people of each generation the opportunity to learn academically and have experience in their field of interest in the industry. At the end of the study programs, several participating students move to full-time South African breweries.
Requirements for registration for study stays in the South Bohemia brewery
People who meet the following general requirements are encouraged to register at South African breweries to request an appropriate place for their area of ​​interest.
– South African citizen or resident
– Matric finished / grade 12 / N3 in engineering with mathematics and nature
– English knowledge
– Basic computer literacy: introduction to MS Office
– Have analytical and problem solving skills.
– Self motivation, attention to detail and ability to communicate well and work effectively in turn-based teams
– He has no problems working under pressure.
– No experience required
– Another opportunity: Absa learning for South African graduates
Some positions in degree programs may require special prerequisites. Therefore, applicants are advised to look for more details about the position they wish to apply for on the South Africa Breweries Career website.
How to apply the South African brewery learnership
To find the ideal position to qualify for South African breweries, applicants can explore the world of opportunities on the Beer or Soft Drinks website. They can choose the role they deem most appropriate with their skills and ambitions.
Applicants will want to do it first by registering them on the recruitment site. They will then have to log in and update their account profile and then provide all the necessary information for the application, including the job details they are applying for. The profile must be active to prevent automatic account closure. Applicants can do so by logging in each month. Inactive users for 90 days will be blocked.
It should be noted that only applications submitted through the portal will be considered. Shortlisted candidates will receive an email notification from the company within 60 days of receiving the request.
For more information, visit