Closing Date:
October, 2018
Field of Study:
- Any Field of Study
Bursary Details:
The purpose of this Trust is to provide bursary/financial support to promising and talented students with epilepsy who wish to enter tertiary education in their chosen fields of study.
The Epilepsy South Africa Educational Trust exclusively awards bursaries to persons with epilepsy. Closing date 30 October
Candidate Requirements:
Supporting documentation to accompany your application:
- A Dr certificate confirming your epilepsy
- Copy of your ID document
- Most recent exam results/copy of your Matric certificate
- Parent/Guardian proof of income (failing which: an affadavit stating their employment status)
As the Epilepsy South Africa Educational Trust exclusively supports people with epilepsy it is necessary that you provide documentary evidence that you have epilepsy.
How to Apply:
Conditions of Bursary:
The Trust will only fund tuition costs as residential and other costs will only be funded in exceptional circumstances.
Trust bursaries are part-bursaries. As such, the Trust does not fund the full cost for any one student.
A bursary may be withdrawn at any stage if academic performance is not satisfactory.
Bursaries are awarded by the Trust in February of each year.
Bursaries are tenable for one year only. It is the responsibility of the student to re-apply for further bursaries by 30 October annually.
Students are required to declare bursaries or awards received from any other sources.
Applicants are requested to print clearly when completing the application.
Incomplete application forms will be rejected.